
Elmo + Jackson

Last night my friend Angela had a girls' spa party at her house. I went a little early to test out my new camera & lenses on her dog, Elmo. She also has a six-month-old baby, Jackson, who admittedly is cuter than Elmo (not that we love Elmo any less for his unique appearance).

Elmo is a Sharpei rescue that Ang has had forever. Words cannot accurately describe Elmo; I've never seen another dog like him. He's a pretty laid back character and seems happy to share the attention with baby Jackson. When I arrived both Elmo and Jackson were hanging out in the middle of the kitchen floor (where the light happened to be wonderful), happy as could be surrounded by the commotion of the party.


Elmo does have a super cute bum:

And here is little Jackson (and my first stab at baby photography).

Part of what I love so much about photographing dogs is that if you give them a little while to warm up to you, they're absolutely themselves. They're not thinking about how they look, or feeling uncomfortable about having a camera three inches away from their noses. Well, turns out babies have that same quality.

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