
black and white dogs are particularly photogenic

I spent two solid hours in the backyard last night watching Roux and our friends' 6 month old Bordie Collie, Grady, interact. I tend to think watching dogs play is pretty entertaining in and of itself, but it's especially hilarious to watch Roux interact with the only other dog she's ever met who acts like more of a puppy than she does. Grady pulls out all the stops - digging her needle sharp puppy teeth into the side of Roux's face and holding the vice grip as long as possible, paw-slapping her to get her attention, and making sure her body is directly in contact with Roux's at all times. Roux participates willingly, but every now and there is just a twinge of annoyance in her expression. And that's how I know Roux is growing up.

I've been trying to play with different techniques a little bit.
Perspective, for one.

Motion, for another. I love the way photos taken in motion like this look like paintings. I also love the sequence of these three photos; the little guy always trying to keep up with the big guy. Probably something every younger sibling can relate to.

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